Conversationalist pieces written by individuals from BASC staff and guest bloggers working in fieldsports.

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Glynn Evans

When harvest is here…

From pest and predator control to prior planning and habitat decisions… Glynn Evans considers a few of the opportunities that arise at harvest time.

Janet Menzies

Getting the right advice

THERE ARE some charming pictures popping up on social media of dogs studiously reading my book, Training the Working Spaniel, and we all agree that if only dogs could read, it would solve all our training problems. Would it though?

Gareth Dockerty

The importance of education – Let’s Learn Moor

The Let’s Learn Moor initiative stemmed from a concern of a missing gap within our education system of a simple understanding of those that live, work and enjoy our beautiful uplands. The history and importance of some of Britain’s most stunning and iconic landscapes, on the doorstep of millions of


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