Strangford’s MLA, Alderman Jim Shannon, has spoken of his support for the BASC Northern Ireland Game Fair at Ballywalter Park on 2-3 May.
Mr Shannon said: “This is a golden opportunity to visit the premiere game fair in Northern Ireland which gets over 25,000 visitors. It has something for everyone, from the dedicated shooter and fishing enthusiast to the main arena programme which will just buzz with excitement. Fantastic clay shooting competitions will see an array of great shotguns and cash prizes to be won.”
“Dunleath Estate in Ballywalter is the perfect place for the game fair – a working duck and pheasant shoot with palatial home and spacious grounds and a lake for the fishing events; and with stalls to satisfy every country-sporting need and a fun park for the children this is certainly the place to be for everyone in the family – whether you are a heartfelt country sports enthusiast or a potential country sports enthusiast.”
“There are places to eat close at hand and the day will fly in with fun and food as we all get a taste of how vibrant and lively the country can be. Don’t miss this year’s Game Fair – it will set you up for the new season, introduce some people to things that they have never seen and done before and for all who go it will be a great day out.”