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UK firearms licensing is a postcode lottery
BASC has published its 2020 firearms licensing league table, highlighting a stark lack of consistency across police forces in England and Wales.
BASC has published its 2020 firearms licensing league table, highlighting a stark lack of consistency across police forces in England and Wales.
BASC’s fourth annual review of firearms licensing performance shows a wide spectrum of results, ranging from very good to “shockingly dreadful”. BASC’s director of firearms has called for consistency of performance following the publication of the review’s results in the form of a league table and said the figures strongly Read more…
BASC’s political team have contacted all PCC candidates in the run up to 6 May elections, highlighting the current lack of consistency across UK police forces around firearms licensing.
Bill Harriman dispels the belief that the Bill of Rights 1689 offers salvation and a safeguard for the private ownership of firearms in the UK.
A firearms licensing and fees working group, involving all relevant stakeholders, must be set up by the NI Department of Justice (DoJ) to examine all issues involving firearms licensing and to increase transparency and accountability in the administration of firearms law in Northern Ireland.