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BASC statement in response to RSPB and WWT open letter
The RSPB and WWT’s open letter calls for the signatories to pre-empt the outcome of the government’s UK REACH process on lead ammunition.
The RSPB and WWT’s open letter calls for the signatories to pre-empt the outcome of the government’s UK REACH process on lead ammunition.
Read Alasdair Mitchell’s reflections on new research into lead vs steel in his Sharpshooter column from last week’s Shooting Times.
BASC’s Peter Marshall summarises the findings of a new piece of research by Cranfield University into the pellet penetration of lead vs steel shot.
BASC has rejected proposals by the UK Woodland Assurance Standard to ban the use of lead ammunition under its banner by 2023.
Read the joint statement issued in response to the NGDA’s announcement regarding lead-free supply chains from 1 July 2022.
Read our full response to the announcement of a two-year UK REACH review of the use of lead ammunition.
BASC’s Dr Conor O’Gorman considers what the announcement of a two-year UK REACH review on lead ammunition means for shooting.
Matt Cross examines how it will take time to make a success of the switch from lead ammunition.
This is a five-year transition not a one-year solution, says BASC.