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Scottish Greens’ nature emergency declaration treats moorland ‘with contempt’
BASC has challenged the Scottish Green Party’s nature emergency declaration which calls for an end to driven grouse moor management practices.
BASC has challenged the Scottish Green Party’s nature emergency declaration which calls for an end to driven grouse moor management practices.
A ground-breaking new study has highlighted that grouse shooting delivers significant socio-economic benefits.
The Scottish Parliament have voted to give further protection to mountain hares in Scotland following the last-minute amendment proposed by Green Party MSP Alison Johnstone.
Controlled burning can under the right circumstances protect peatland and help achieve our net-zero target.
Students from Elmwood Campus have been learning about muirburn, the rotational burning of old heather, and other aspects of moorland management.
As the 2014 grouse season closes on the 10th December, the value of grouse shooting and the benefit it brings for the economy and the environment are highlighted in an infographic being sent to MPs by the British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC) and the Moorland Association.