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Green Shoots Mapping puts members on path to success
BASC gives away two pairs of Bauer binoculars in a draw of members using online resource.
BASC gives away two pairs of Bauer binoculars in a draw of members using online resource.
BASC has published a paper entitled “Grouse moor licensing – assessment of proposal and summary of unintended consequences”.
BASC has published its first white paper “The role of societal impacts and ecosystem services in the definition of favourable conservation status”, which looks at how ecosystem services can be considered when designating and managing protected sites.
BASC advises all shoots that have a documented interest in land which could be compulsory acquired along the route of the high speed rail network (HS2) to instruct an expert land agent to represent them in compulsory purchase and compensation matters. If you follow the correct process the expert’s fees will be paid for you and your financial losses will be recovered. This briefing explains how to do this.
BASC has responded to a Defra consultation on how the plastic bag charge in England will work, calling for funds to be used for conservation.
BASC has submitted ideas to the Welsh Government on how to make best use of a £6 million nature fund to help manage land and water to benefit nature, create new job opportunities and support communities in Wales.
The Bracken Control Group has secured an exemption from EU regulations to allow asulam to be sold and used in the UK in 2014.
BASC has responded to a consultation on draft regulations for a plastic bags charging scheme in Scotland.
BASC’s response to a Defra consultation has put shooting and conservation on the agenda in discussions about how the subsidies for the Common Agriculture Policy (CAP) will be spent in England.