Wildfowling Club Manual

This publication is a comprehensive guide to running a modern wildfowling club. It covers many and varied aspects of club management, from adopting and reviewing club rules, that are the basic foundation of good club governance, to effective financial planning, new member induction procedures, fundraising and grant aid, and land purchase, as well as a guide to heath and safety. It also features a section on the Wildlife Habitat Trust.

It is not intended as a cover-to-cover read, but is designed in sections so that it can be used as a reference guide to dip in and out of to access relevant information.

For the wildfowling club committee, there is something for everyone. This manual is to be used as an information resource for the committee members of a wildfowling club and is aimed at the new and experienced member alike. For the new committee member this booklet is an indispensable, guide to all aspects of running a wildfowling club, some of which may be unfamiliar. For the experienced committee member, this is a guide to best practice and can be used to review aspects of running a club, such as renewing club rules and formulating effective strategies for forward planning, for example in respect to land purchase or fundraising.

All sections of the manual are intended as an effective overview of the relevant subject matter, and as indicated in the text, more detailed guidance and in-depth assistance can be gained by contacting BASC for comprehensive advice in specialist areas, to take account of individual club circumstances and aspirations.

Wildfowling Club Manual

Header image by John Graham

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