Successful guest day for Jack
Jack, aged 10, from Kent, successfully shot seven pheasants while on a guest day with his dad and springer Lucy last season. He can’t wait to get back out there as he enjoyed it so much!
Jack, aged 10, from Kent, successfully shot seven pheasants while on a guest day with his dad and springer Lucy last season. He can’t wait to get back out there as he enjoyed it so much!
Nine-year-old Barnaby Sykes with his first pheasant shot at the Kimbolton Park Shoot with a .410. Barnaby is always keen to help with feeding and watering the birds. He was asked to stand as a Gun in recognition of his efforts by the keeper. Later in the season he had
Together with his father Gary, 10 years old Andrew Payne shot 105 pigeons and 2 crows using his Webley and Scott 20 bore over/under. He definitely has the ‘shooting bug’ now!
Young Shot Gregory Kelso, 15, is pictured after a very successful day decoying pigeons over stubble, using a Browning 12 bore o/u. Gregory set up his pattern using shell decoys and a pigeon magnet.
BASC Young Shot Jonathan Walker, ten, on his first driven game day in January, bagged a lovely left to right cock pheasant with his .410 o/u. All the syndicate and beaters were chuffed to bits. Photo taken by a very proud dad, Robert at the Holme Hall shoot.
Twelve-year-old Flynn Hurley, helps his dad gamekeeping and goes beating at the Dorrington Farm Shoot. Here he is with his first mallard, brought down on beater’s day. The feat was watched with pride by his dad, mum and sister. High five to Murphy, the family’s cocker spaniel, for the impeccable
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