Pigeons for the pot
Two hours decoying over pea and barley fields resulted in a dozen pigeon for Jason Head. He found that a Chris Green decoy and 12 shell decoys really pulled in the birds.
Two hours decoying over pea and barley fields resulted in a dozen pigeon for Jason Head. He found that a Chris Green decoy and 12 shell decoys really pulled in the birds.
After holding a licence and shooting at the local clay club once a month for only nine months, 11-year-old Jack Farrow from Norfolk was over the moon to achieve a mixed bag of pigeon, partridge and a pink-footed goose. He is pictured with his quarry and spaniel Lady.
On her second pigeon shooting outing with her dad, 15-year-old Carla May bagged eight birds. This provided some useful experience for Labrador Jake, whom Carla hopes to train further. Looks like both of them have made a good start.
Eight-year-old Louie bagged a bunny with his first shot, using a brand new Webley & Scott .410 Junior.
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