Overcoming fears
Alex is only six years old. Last year, he shot down his first HFT target.
Alex is only six years old. Last year, he shot down his first HFT target.
Heath (11) went roost shooting with dad Duncan earlier this year.
George is only one year old and already actively participates in shoot days.
Last season, 11-year-old Simon shot two hen pheasants with two shots using his .410 single barrel!
Oliver Simons is only 12 years old but his shooting knowledge is extensive. Read how he has progressed to shooting sporting and Olympic skeet targets, and is aiming to shoot for Team GB.
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Become a Young Shot Junior Membership (Under 21) The British Association for Shooting and Conservation is the representative organisation for sporting shooting in the UK. We welcome membership from all who share our aim of high standards of sportsmanship. £ 31 per year Junior BASC members’ benefits BASC has