Fox snaring and control in England Code of Practice

Fox Snaring and Control in England - Code of Practice

Useful Contact Details

Nobel House, 17 Smith Square, London SW1P 3JR
Tel: 03459 335 577 – Email:

British Association for Shooting and Conservation
Marford Mill, Rossett, Wrexham LL12 0HL
Tel: 01244 573 019 – Email:

16 Belgrave Square, London SW1X 8PQ
Tel: 0207 235 0511 – Email:

Countryside Alliance
1 Spring Mews, Tinworth Street, London SE11 5AN
Tel: 0207 840 9200 – Email:

Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust
Burgate Manor, Fordingbridge, Hampshire SP6 1EF
Tel: 01425 652 381 – Email:

Moorland Association
Well Spring Barn, Austwick, Lancaster LA2 8AN
Tel: 08454 589 786 – Email:

National Gamekeepers Organisation
PO Box 246, Darlington DL1 9FZ
Tel: 01833 660 869 – Email:

Agriculture House, Stoneleigh Park, Warwickshire CV8 2TZ
Tel: 02476 858 500 – Email:

Tenant Farmers Association
5 Brewery Court, Theale, Reading RG7 5AJ
Tel: 01189 306 130 – Email:

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