BASC stalking schemes

BASC currently has four deer stalking schemes in operation – Arran (Scotland), Baronscourt (Northern Ireland), Hampshire and Bowland. 

The schemes have been developed to provide a variety of different stalking opportunities for members who wish to take up stalking and to provide those with limited access to stalking of their own the opportunity to gain practical experience and increase their knowledge.

Isle of Arran stag and hind dates 2023/24

Stag 1: 18 – 22 Sept £600

Stag 2: 25 – 29 Sept £600

Stag 3: 2 – 6 October £600

Stag 4: 9 – 13 October £600

Stag 5: 16 – 20 October £600


Hind 1: 30 Oct – 3 Nov £400

Hind 2: 6 – 10 Nov £400

Hind 3: 8 – 12 Jan £400

Hind 4: 22 – 26 Jan £400

Hind 5: 5 – 9 Feb £400

What you need to know

Isle of Arran stalking scheme:  who is it for?

The Arran deer management scheme is open to all BASC members who have their own stalking rifle and hold a DSC2. If applying as a pair, one can have a DSC2 and the other can just be registered.

BASC members are given the opportunity to stalk red deer unaccompanied in a commercial forestry environment. Please note there is only red deer on the island.

The landscape

Deer stalking on Arran is a mixture of open hill and commercial forestry, so the terrain can be arduous and physically demanding.

Stalkers should ensure that they are fit and are not suffering from any medical condition which may endanger their own safety or restrict the activities of their stalking partner.

The stalking area is extensive and is in the southern half of the Isle of Arran, which is situated in the Firth of Clyde, west of Ardrossan.

Getting there

You can get to Arran on the Caledonian MacBrayne passenger/car ferry which runs between Ardrossan to Brodick four times daily in both directions during the winter.

All deer stalking through the BASC scheme is under the overall supervision of a co-ordinator who will supervise the briefing, deployment of deer stalkers and conduct of all culling operations.

Deer stalking procedures

The stalking lease covers a vast area and is divided into several widely dispersed beats in order to accommodate multiple stalkers. The BASC scheme co-ordinator has the overall responsibility for all deer stalkers attending the scheme.

Both of these co-ordinators are very experienced deer stalkers and they will each have an ATV.

Participating deer stalkers will be paired off and each pair will stalk together on their allocated beat. Pairing will provide a measure of safety if an injury or illness occurs and will also help the initial extraction of the very large red deer found on Arran.

At all times there will only ever be one rifle loaded and in use within each pair of stalkers. The loaded rifle will always be carried by the person who takes the lead.

The lead stalker will continually ensure that their rifle is always pointed in a safe direction and the stalkers will take turns at leading with the rifle. A more detailed safety briefing will take place prior to outings in the field.

Rifles and ammunition

Anyone who applies for the scheme must have a basic knowledge of deer stalking and be confident/proficient in using their rifle in field conditions. Practice is therefore essential!

Potential deer stalkers should have taken the time to practice live firing from the sitting, standing and kneeling positions, using a stick or other support. Before stalkers are allowed onto their beat, they will be required to demonstrate that their rifle is zeroed by putting three shots in a three-inch group at 100 metres. Stalkers who cannot achieve this will not be permitted to continue.

“All rifles and ammunition used on the scheme must be a minimum of 6.5 calibre using at least a 110gr, non lead bullet. Ammunition must be factory loaded and meet the Scottish legal minimums for use on red deer.”

Equipment required

Stalkers should bring enough ammunition to last for the five days. The nearest gun shop is in Ardrossan on the mainland, so it will require a return ferry trip if stalkers need to buy more ammunition or have their rifle serviced or repaired.

The Arran scheme involves stalking over demanding terrain in a climate where the weather can change for the worse in an instant. Anyone considering taking part should be aware of the challenging nature of managing deer under these conditions and should be sufficiently fit.

During warmer periods midges will be prevalent and deer stalkers should be prepared with repellents and/or head nets.

A full synchronisation and safety briefing will be undertaken on the first day before beats are allocated. Each pair of stalkers will be issued a safety pack containing such items as a two-way radio, marked maps and an emergency strobe light etc.

The role of the scheme coordinators

The scheme coordinator’s main role is to ensure the safety of the deer stalkers and that all activities are conducted to current best practice.

The coordinators are also there to offer advice and guidance to participants attending the scheme. Stalkers are encouraged to contact them at an early stage if they are struggling to find deer or have any other concerns relating to the scheme.

While all arrangements for a satisfactory outing will be made in good faith, BASC can give no guarantees that deer will be encountered.

Terms and conditions

A permit authorises the holder to shoot specified deer on BASC leased ground on certain dates.

Stalking will be by agreement with the BASC deer department. The permit will only be valid for the period booked and will be forfeited, if not exercised, within that period.

The permit holder is required to:

  1. Read all terms and conditions.
  2. Complete a booking form.
  3. Provide notice as detailed within the cancellation policy. (A refund will only be provided where the place can be reallocated and an administration fee for legitimate and unavoidable cancellations will then apply).
  4. Hold a valid DSC2 qualification or be registered for the DSC2 if paired with a deer stalker holding the DSC2. This includes a game meat handling qualification.
  5. Always comply with any instructions issued by the co-ordinator.
  6. Use a rifle and expanding, non-toxic ammunition of no less than 110grain bullet weight. This must produce a muzzle energy of no less than 1750 foot pounds and a muzzle velocity of no less than 2450 feet per second. The ammunition must be designed to expand in a predictable manner.
  7. Fire a group of sighting shots on request at a range and accuracy to the satisfaction of the co-ordinator or other authorised person.
  8. Produce a valid firearms certificate and proof of current BASC membership on request to a co-ordinator or other authorised person.
  9. Indemnify BASC against any loss, injury or damage.
  10. notify the supervisor immediately of any shots fired. They will make the final decision if any follow-up action is required.
  11. Stop stalking if a deer is wounded until it has been despatched or accounted for to the supervisor’s satisfaction.
  12. Ensure that he/she does not shoot from any vehicle or by artificial light.
  13. Pay BASC the fees set out on the advisory paper by the times stipulated.
  14. Note that the carcass is the property of the FLS. Weight and other measurements of interest will be recorded officially.
  15. Note that while all arrangements for a satisfactory outing will be made in good faith, BASC can give no guarantees that deer will be encountered.
  16. Note that BASC reserve the right to suspend or withdraw a permit at any time and its decision in any matters arising from the granting of a permit will be final.
  17. Note that BASC reserves the right to vary all conditions, dates and charges without notice.
  18. This stalking opportunity is solely for the benefit of BASC members and permits may not be bought and resold for any commercial purpose or for financial gain. BASC reserves the right to cancel or withdraw without recompense; any permit which the deer management team believe may have breached this condition.

Cancellation policy

Payment should be made in full on a successful application for a permit.

If a permit is cancelled, BASC will endeavour to reallocate the permit. If this is not possible, then the following scale of charges will apply:

  • Reallocation of a permit by BASC at any stage – admin fee of £30
  • More than eight weeks before start of permit – admin fee of £30
  • Less than eight weeks but more than four weeks before start of permit – 30% of permit fee
  • Less than four weeks but more than two weeks before start of permit – 60% of permit fee
  • Less than two weeks before start of permit – 100% of permit fee


Please consider an insurance policy to cover cancellations due to unforeseen eventualities.

Deer stalkers should ensure that the holiday element is covered by separate insurance cover and should inform any potential insurer that the shooting element is covered under BASC membership.

The BASC (Northern Ireland) Baronscourt Deerstalking Scheme.


Please note that all enquiries should be directed to BASC NI office and not Baronscourt Estate.

Given the lack of deer stalking opportunity in Northern Ireland, BASC NI, working in partnership with the prestigious Baronscourt Estate, decided to launch a new stalking scheme that is exclusively for BASC members. All stalking under this scheme is accompanied and will involve either a morning or an afternoon stalk.

The Baronscourt deerstalking scheme is open to all BASC members holding the Deerstalking Certificate 1 (DSC1) qualification. The scheme is designed to provide practical follow-on experience for those who have completed DSC1 and therefore anyone wishing to take part must hold this qualification.

Baronscourt Estate is willing to provide BASC members participating in the scheme with a ‘Letter of Deerstalking Opportunity’ in order to help them acquire a deerstalking rifle. The letter will remain valid only for the duration of the BASC member’s firearm certificate and only while the certificate holder remains a BASC member and registered for the Baronscourt deerstalking scheme. In order to qualify for the letter of deerstalking opportunity, BASC members must also have completed at least three accompanied stalks on the Estate. The letter will be supplied only on the condition that it may be revoked at any time and for any reason without explanation.

Under the scheme, participants (stalkers) will have the opportunity to stalk Sika prickets (young stags) and hinds. Occasionally, Sika stags may be shot, however this will be at the discretion of the Estate’s head gamekeeper/guide. This will involve a trophy fee, the level of which will be agreed with the Head Gamekeeper/guide either prior to, or during the outing.

To take part in this exclusive scheme, you must first complete a registration form which can either be downloaded here, or obtained by calling the BASC NI office on 028 92 60 50 50 or email.

Completed forms must then be returned to BASC NI along with the registration fee (which is payable per season) of £30 inclusive of VAT. Please make cheques payable to BASC or alternatively, payment can be made over the telephone using either a credit or debit card.

By registering for the scheme, you agree to be bound by the schemes Terms and Conditions as shown below:-

Stalking procedures

Stalkers are asked NOT to contact the Estate in the first instance.

Once the completed registration form and the registration fee have been received, BASC NI will then advise the stalker to make contact directly with the Estate to arrange a mutually agreeable date and time for the stalk. A stalking fee of £120 inclusive of VAT per outing is payable directly to the Estate and this must be paid prior to any stalking being undertaken.

Stalking may take place on any part of the Estate’s 10,000 acres which is a mixture of spruce woodland and undulating farmland and scrubland. All stalkers will be accompanied by an experienced deerstalker who is also a member of the Estate’s cull team. Each outing will normally last for approximately four hours and will involve either a foot stalk or the use of high seats or a mixture of the two; however this will mainly be dependent upon the physical capabilities of the stalker and the terrain.

Stalkers may bring a guest, providing the guest is a BASC member and the stalker has obtained prior written permission from Baronscourt Estate.

Some travel between different areas of the Estate may be required to ensure stalkers have maximum opportunity to shoot cull animals, which will either be prickets (young stags) or hinds depending on the time of year.

The main quarry species will generally be sika deer, however stalkers may have the opportunity to shoot other species of deer if they are encountered, but this will be at the discretion of the Head Gamekeeper.

Stalkers will generally only be permitted to shoot one cull animal per outing. However, stalkers may be afforded the opportunity to shoot more than one animal within the stalking period, if they have the opportunity and time to do so. This will be at the sole discretion of the Estate’s Head Gamekeeper or his guide and there will be no additional charge.

Once an animal has been shot, the carcass will be recovered to the Estate’s game larder where it will be inspected, gralloched and tagged. Carcasses will remain the property of the Estate at all times. BASC members participating in the scheme may have the opportunity to purchase complete carcasses or venison products at a discounted rate, however this will be at the discretion of the Estate as it is obliged to meet the game demands of its existing clients.

Misplaced shots may result in the carcass being deemed unfit to enter the food chain.  In such circumstances the stalker will be required to pay a fee of £50.  The decision as to whether a carcass is unfit to enter the food chain will be at the discretion of the Estate’s Head Gamekeeper.

All stalking which takes place as part of this scheme is controlled, co-ordinated and supervised by the Estate’s Head Gamekeeper and his guides. The Head Gamekeeper and guides are responsible for ensuring the briefing and deployment of all stalkers and the conduct of all culling operations.

The meeting point on the Estate is the Estate’s game larder which is situated beside the Head Gamekeeper’s house and the kennels.

The post code for Baronscourt Estate is BT78 4EZ.

To find out more about Baronscourt Estate or for specific directions please visit

Rifles and ammunition

Stalkers may use their own rifle providing that they hold a valid firearm certificate for that specific firearm which must be of .243 or above calibre. The firearm must also be “conditioned” on their firearm certificate for deerstalking.

Stalkers using their own rifle and ammunition must prepare and zero their rifle prior to arrival to the Estate. If the Head Gamekeeper and/or guide desires, stalkers may be asked to zero their rifles on the Estate’s approved range – failure to comply with such a request may result in the cancellation of the outing and no refund of fees will be due. Stalkers may be granted access to the Estate’s approved shooting range; however this will be dependent upon the conditions listed on the stalker’s firearm certificate and the availability of Estate staff.  Stalkers will not incur a charge for using the Estate’s approved range.

Stalkers should ensure they have sufficient ammunition to cover all eventualities. Stalkers must only use factory-produced ammunition as the Estate’s risk assessment does not permit the use of home-loaded ammunition.

Under the Schedule 1 paragraph 10 exemption contained within the Firearms (Northern Ireland) Order 2004, stalkers may use the Estate rifle; however this requires a deposit of £60 alongside a small hire charge of £20 inclusive of VAT per outing. The £60 deposit will be refunded provided the Estate rifle is returned undamaged at the end of each outing.

Anyone borrowing the Estate rifle must first sign a “Prohibited Persons Declaration” certifying that they are not prohibited from possessing a firearm or ammunition under Article 63 of the Firearms (Northern Ireland) Order 2004 or, Section 21 of the Firearms Act 1968.  This form will be provided by the Estate and must be completed prior to handling the Estate rifle. All unused ammunition must be returned with the Estate rifle.

Travelling with firearms from GB to Northern Ireland.

There is no requirement for stalkers travelling from GB with stalking rifles (which they hold on certificate) to apply for a Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) Certificate of Approval.

A Certificate of Approval is only required when air guns not held on certificate in GB are being brought into Northern Ireland.  This must be applied for at least 4 weeks in advance and the form can be located here.

Visitors travelling from outside the UK must apply to the Police Service of Northern Ireland for a visitor’s permit which can be located here.

Travelling times to Baronscourt Estate

  • Average travel time from Belfast International Airport 1 hr 40 minutes.
  • Average travel time from Belfast City Airport 1 hr 55 minutes.
  • Average travel time from Larne port 2 hr 5 minutes.
  • Average travel time from Belfast port 1 hr 50 minutes.

BASC members travelling to Northern Ireland using Stena Line Irish Sea ferries can claim a 10% discount. To find out more please click here.
P&O Ferries also offer an “exclusive” discount for BASC members.   Further details can be obtained by contacting BASC NI office on 028 92 605050 or by email.

Terms and Conditions – updated 16 June 2020

By completing the scheme registration form, you agree to be bound by the scheme’s Terms and Conditions as shown below. Please note that these are subject to change, without notice, and it is the stalker’s responsibility to ensure that they have read the terms and conditions.

All stalkers are required to:

  • Read the information sheet and return the completed, signed registration form, certifying that they are not a prohibited person and confirming that they agree to be bound by the scheme Terms and Conditions.
  • Note that the £30 registration fee payable to BASC (per season) is non-refundable.
  • Note that the scheme is designed to provide BASC members with the opportunity to stalk hinds and prickets (young stags). Occasionally, sika stags may be shot however this will be at the discretion of the Estate’s head gamekeeper/guide. This will involve a trophy fee, the level of which will be agreed with the Head Gamekeeper/guide either prior to, or during the outing.  In certain circumstances, cull stags may be shot, for which no trophy fee will be charged, however this will be at the discretion of the Head Gamekeeper/guide. The level of fee payable will be based on the quality of any stag shot, which will be determined by the Head Gamekeeper whose decision will be final.
  • Note that both BASC and Baronscourt Estate reserve the right to refuse entry to the scheme or, to remove a member from the scheme for any reason whatsoever. In such cases, and where a registration fee has been paid, the fee will be non-refundable.
  • Note that all animals must be shot in the heart/lung area to ensure that they are dispatched quickly and humanely.
  • Note that stalkers will be required to assist with the follow up and carcass recovery.
  • Note that all carcasses will remain the property of the Baronscourt Estate at all times. BASC members participating in the scheme may have the opportunity to purchase complete carcasses or venison products at a discounted rate; however, this will be at the discretion of the Estate as it is obliged to meet the game demands of its existing clients.
  • Give cancellation notice as detailed within the Estates cancellation policy as shown below.
  • Comply at all times with the Firearms (Northern Ireland) Order 2004 and the Wildlife (Northern Ireland) Order 1985 (as amended 2011)
  • Comply at all times with the “General Conditions” listed on their firearm certificate and any instructions given by the Head Gamekeeper or his authorised representative. Failure to do so may result in termination of the stalk without recompense.
  • Use a rifle having a calibre of not less than .243 inches (6mm) with a bullet which must be designed to expand in a predictable manner with a bullet weight of not less than 100 grains (6.48 grammes) and a muzzle energy of not less than 1,700 foot pounds (2,305 joules)
  • Arrive at the Estate with a prepared and zeroed rifle and on request, fire a group of sighting shots at a range and accuracy to the satisfaction of the Head Gamekeeper or his authorised representative.
  • Produce for inspection on request by the Head Gamekeeper or his authorised representative a valid Firearms Certificate which must be conditioned for “deerstalking”.
  • Produce proof of current BASC membership (which gives third party insurance cover with an indemnity limit of £10,000,000 legal liability) and proof of holding a game meat handling qualification.
  • Indemnify BASC against any loss, injury or damage.
  • At the direction of the head gamekeeper or his authorised representative shoot any injured or diseased deer that may be encountered.
  • Stop stalking if a deer is wounded until it has been dispatched or otherwise accounted for to the satisfaction of the Head Gamekeeper or his authorised representative
  • Ensure that he/she does not shoot from any vehicle or by using any artificial light.
  • Pay to BASC a seasonal registration fee of £30 inclusive of VAT which BASC reserves the right to vary from season to season.
  • Note that while all arrangements for a satisfactory outing will be made in good faith, BASC can give no guarantees that deer will be encountered and/or shot.
  • Note that BASC reserves the right to vary the Terms and Conditions of the scheme without notice.
  • Note that this stalking opportunity is solely for the benefit of BASC members holding the DSC 1 qualification.
  • Notify the Estate of any and all accidents, no matter how trivial, the details of which will be recorded in the Estate’s accident book.
  • Note that no photographs may be taken without the approval of the Head Gamekeeper or his representative and BASC

Cancellation Policy

  • Should Baronscourt Estate have to cancel any outing for whatever reason, members of the scheme will not be entitled to an immediate refund; however, the Estate will rearrange the cancelled outing at another date, at no extra charge. If, for any reason, a rescheduled date cannot be agreed a full refund will be given.
  • In the event that any statutory ban is set in place in respect of the culling of deer for whatever reason, any fees paid by qualifying members will not be refunded.
  • If a BASC member cancels an outing within 14 days of the scheduled date, they will not be entitled to a refund and may not be offered a rescheduled outing.
  • If the BASC member cancels an outing 14 days or more from the scheduled date, they will be entitled to a full refund or a rescheduled outing
  • Any rescheduled outings must take place within the same season.
  • At all times the rescheduling of any outings will be at the sole discretion of Baronscourt Estate.


Baronscourt Estate will offer a 10% discount on any accommodation taken with a deerstalking outing, subject to availability. Such accommodation is offered through the Clock Tower and Governor’s Lodge 4-star standard self-catering apartments.  Further Information is available on the Estate’s website.

Pike & Salmon Fishing

Baronscourt Estate offer Qualifying Members a 10% discount on all salmon and pike fishing on offer at the Baronscourt Estate throughout the duration of the Exclusivity Agreement.

DSC 2 witnessing

A number of the Baronscourt Estate stalking guides are accredited witnesses which means that they may, on agreement, witness stalks for persons completing their DSC 2 portfolio.  If you are registered for DSC 2 and interested in contacting one of the Estate’s accredited witnesses please contact the Estate office directly on 02881 661 683. Please note that any agreement between the stalker and the Estate’s accredited witnesses is outside the BASC/Baronscourt Stalking Scheme.

Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD)

CWD is highly infectious and is fatal in any infected deer.  CWD persists in the environment and there are currently no treatments or vaccines available to control the disease.

CWD has very recently been found in Scandinavia and the risk of CWD entering the UK is therefore likely to have increased now the disease is present in Europe.

Stalkers travelling from abroad or resident UK stalkers who have been stalking abroad, must be aware of the biosecurity risksespecially the risks of transporting CWD when visiting USA/Canada/Scandinavia.

Preventing CWD from entering the UK is currently the only effective control measure. If CWD were to become established in the UK stopping its spread is likely to be impossible, it could have major consequences.  Find out more by clicking here.

Baronscourt Stalking Scheme – Information sheet

Baronscourt Stalking Scheme – Registration form

Hampshire Deer Stalking Scheme


The BASC Hampshire Deer Stalking scheme is open to all BASC members who hold the Deer Stalking Certificate Level 1 (DSC1) and the scheme is designed to provide practical experience for DSC1 holders to progress on to their DSC2.

It is based on a large sporting estate in southern Hampshire which has a good population of Roe deer plus some Muntjac. The deer a valuable asset to the estate so a great deal of effort is put into their sustainable management to ensure that the population is healthy and continues to provide fantastic stalking for paying guests.

An important part of this management is culling sufficient roe does and cull bucks, plus any Muntjac seen, to ensure that the mature bucks have a good food supply through the winter when they are growing their antlers. Therefore, the estate has agreed to BASC members undertaking this cull under the watchful eye of the Estate’s stalking guides.

The Estate is a mixture of semi-natural ancient woodland, flower rich meadows and arable fields surrounded by thick hedgerows. As such it is excellent habitat for Roe deer and provides some beautiful and interesting foot stalking. Every corner you turn has the potential to hold another deer and it is anticipated that deer will be seen, if not shot, on every outing.

The cost will be £150 per outing. An outing is 3 hours and will always start as a pm session as this allows time to be spent on the range to undertake the initial safety briefing and to check zero of your rifle.

Stalking procedures

Accompanied Stalking

All stalking is accompanied by a Stalking Guide.

The scheme offers the chance to gain more experience under expert supervision, and for those working towards DSC 2, it offers the opportunity to gain the skills necessary for assessment. An accompanied stalk may be made up of a foot stalk, high seat or a combination of the two. For an accompanied stalk a fee of £150 is charged for each outing regardless of the number of animals culled. This fee is not refundable if no deer are shot.

All scheme participants will be briefed by the Stalking Guides before heading out on to the ground with a detailed safety briefing.

Before stalkers are taken out by the Stalking Guide they will be required to demonstrate that their rifle is zeroed by putting 3 shots into a 100mm diameter circle at 100 metres. Subsequent bookings made will not require a shooting test but participants must ensure their rifles are zeroed. Hearing protection is required for the range session.

Stalkers should ensure that their rifle is zeroed before coming on the scheme as those who cannot achieve the 100mm group will not be permitted to stalk live quarry.

Additional fees

There are no additional trophy fees for Roe, or Muntjac, which makes the charges for the scheme very competitive.   The in-skin carcass is included in the price.

General conditions

A permit authorises the holder to shoot specified deer over the estate on a certain date. Stalking will be by agreement with BASC and at times convenient to the estate. The permit will only be valid for the date booked but can be rearranged if necessary due to external factors.

The permit holder will be required to:

  1. Give notice as detailed within the cancellation policy.
  2. Be accompanied by, and act under the direction of the stalking guide.
  3. Use a moderated rifle of a calibre not less than .243 inches and soft or hollow-nosed bullets with a published muzzle energy of not less than 1,700 foot pounds.
  4. Fire on request, a group of sighting shots, at a range and accuracy to the satisfaction of the supervising stalker or other authorised person.
  5. Produce, for inspection on request by the stalking guide or other authorised person, a valid Firearms Certificate and proof of current membership of BASC (which gives third party insurance cover with an indemnity limit of £10,000,000 legal liability).
  6. Indemnify BASC against any loss, injury or damage.
  7. Note that shooting from any moving vehicle or by artificial light is prohibited.
  8. Note that if a deer is wounded, stalking will stop until it has been despatched or otherwise accounted for.
  9. Note that the carcass becomes the property of the member. Weight and other measurements of interest will be recorded officially. The permit holder can take the carcass if desired, or the estate will retain if it if the member does not wish to take it.
  10. Note that while all arrangements for a satisfactory outing will be made in good faith, BASC can give no guarantees that deer will be encountered and/or shot.
  11. Note that BASC reserve the right to suspend or withdraw a permit at any time and its decision in any matters arising from the granting of a permit will be final.
  12. Note that BASC reserves the right to vary these conditions and charges without notice.
  13. This stalking opportunity is solely for the benefit of BASC members and permits may not be bought or resold for any commercial purpose or for financial gain. BASC reserves the right to cancel or withdraw without recompense any permit which the Deer Management team believes may have breached this condition
  14. Always comply with best practice guidance.

Cancellation Policy

Please note carefully before making a booking

Full payment must be made at the time of booking. The relevant application and letter confirming the booking will be sent out once payment has been received.

If a permit is cancelled then BASC will endeavour to reallocate the permit or rearrange a date if this is necessary due to external circumstances but if this is not possible, then the following scale of charges will apply:

  • More than 8 weeks before start of permit – admin fee of £30.00
  • Less than 8 weeks but more than 4 weeks before start of permit – 30% of permit fee
  • Less than 4 weeks but more than 2 weeks before start of permit – 60% of permit fee
  • Less than 2 weeks before start of permit – 100% of permit fee

BASC reserves the right to cancel any booking at any time, at which point a full refund of the outing fee will be made. BASC will not be liable for any other costs incurred by the member in booking the outing.


It would be prudent to consider an insurance policy to cover cancellations due to unforeseen eventualities. Members should ensure that the ‘holiday element’ is covered by separate insurance cover and should inform any potential insurer that the ‘shooting element’ is covered under BASC membership.


The stalking area is relatively flat with good access from public roads. Vehicles are only permitted within the stalking area with prior authorisation of the stalking guides. The lease does not allow participants to use quad bikes or similar all-terrain vehicles and they should not be brought to the scheme.


Participants who wish to bring dogs with them must seek prior permission from BASC. The stalking guides will have access to a deer dog if required.

For further information please contact:

Deer Management Department

Tel: 01244 573000 –  Email

The Bowland stalking scheme is open to all BASC members who hold their DSC1. Based on a large game shoot predominantly populated with sika and roe deer, it offers accompanied stalking with a guide. The ground is a mix of farmland and wooded areas, with some spectacular views across the River Ribble.

The scheme is open to all BASC members who hold the Deer Stalking Certificate Level 1 (DSC1). The scheme is designed to provide practical experience for DSC1 holders to progress on to DSC2. 

What you need to know


All stalking is accompanied by a stalking guide.

The scheme offers the chance to gain more experience under expert supervision, and for those working towards DSC 2, it offers the opportunity to gain the skills necessary for assessment. An accompanied stalk may be made up of a foot stalk, high seat, or a combination of the two. The stalking fee of £100 must be pre-paid to the shoot.

All scheme participants will be briefed by the stalking guides before heading out on to the ground with a detailed safety briefing.

Before stalkers are taken out by the stalking guide, they will be required to demonstrate that their rifle is zeroed by putting three shots into a 100mm diameter circle at 100 metres. Subsequent bookings made will not require a shooting test, but participants must ensure their rifles are zeroed. Hearing protection is required for the range session.

Stalkers should ensure that their rifle is zeroed before coming on the scheme as those who cannot achieve the 100mm group will not be permitted to stalk live quarry.


Stalkers may use their own rifle providing that they hold a valid firearm certificate for that specific firearm which must be of .243 calibre or above. The firearm (and any moderator used) must also be “conditioned” on their firearm certificate for deerstalking.

Stalkers using their own rifle and ammunition must prepare and zero their rifle prior to arrival at the estate. Any member stalking on the estate for the first time, will automatically be required to zero their rifle on the estate’s approved range, under the supervision of the head gamekeeper/stalking guide. In addition, if the stalking guide desires, stalkers may be asked at any time, to zero their rifles on the estate’s approved range – failure to comply with such a request may result in the cancellation of the outing and no refund of fees will be due.
Stalkers may be granted access to the estate’s approved shooting range however this will be dependent upon the “conditions” listed on the stalker’s firearm certificate and the availability of estate staff.


The cost will be £100 per stalk with additional fee if successful. All financial arrangements are made directly with the shoot and gamekeeper/guide. As a guide, a sika hind is £100 and a spiker starts at £150. All deer carcasses shot as a result of this scheme will remain the property of the Shoot. Carcasses may be purchased by the stalker at £2.40 per kg.

An outing is four hours. Your first outing will always start as a pm session as this allows time to be spent on the range to undertake the initial safety briefing and to check zero of your rifles.


Please note carefully before making a booking:

Full payment must be made at the time of booking. The relevant application and email confirming the booking will be sent out once payment has been received.
Please note that cancellation of a booking less than two weeks before start of permit will incur a charge of 100% of the permit fee.

BASC and the shoot reserves the right to cancel any booking at any time, at which point a full refund of the outing fee will be made. BASC or the shoot will not be liable for any other costs incurred by the member in booking the outing.


It would be prudent to consider an insurance policy to cover cancellations due to unforeseen eventualities. Members should ensure that the ‘holiday element’ is covered by separate insurance cover and should inform any potential insurer that the ‘shooting element’ is covered under BASC membership.


A permit authorises the holder to shoot specified deer over the estate on a certain date. Stalking will be by agreement with BASC and at times convenient to the estate. The permit will only be valid for the date booked but can be rearranged if necessary due to external factors.

The permit holder will be required to:

a) Give notice as detailed within the cancellation policy.
b) Be accompanied by, and act under the direction of the stalking guide.
c) Use a moderated rifle of a calibre not less than .243 inches and soft or hollow-nosed bullets with a published muzzle energy of not less than 1,700 foot pounds.
d) Fire on request, a group of sighting shots, at a range and accuracy to the satisfaction of the supervising stalker or other authorised person.
e) Produce, for inspection on request by the stalking guide or other authorised person, a valid Firearms Certificate and proof of current membership of BASC (which gives third party insurance cover with an indemnity limit of £10,000,000 legal liability).
f) Indemnify BASC against any loss, injury or damage.
g) Note that shooting from any moving vehicle or by artificial light is prohibited.
h) Note that if a deer is wounded, stalking will stop until it has been despatched or otherwise accounted for.
i) Carcass weight and other measurements of interest will be recorded officially. The permit holder can take the carcass if desired at the agreed price of £2.40 per kg.
j) Note that while all arrangements for a satisfactory outing will be made in good faith, BASC can give no guarantees that deer will be encountered and/or shot.
k) Note that BASC reserve the right to suspend or withdraw a permit at any time and its decision in any matters arising from the granting of a permit will be final.
l) Note that BASC reserves the right to vary these conditions and charges without notice.
m) This stalking opportunity is solely for the benefit of BASC members and permits may not be bought or resold for any commercial purpose or for financial gain. BASC reserves the right to cancel or withdraw without recompense any permit which the Deer Management team believes may have breached this condition.
n) Always comply with best practice guidance.


The stalking area is relatively flat with good access from public roads. Vehicles are only permitted within the stalking area with prior authorisation of the stalking guides. The lease does not allow participants to use quad bikes or similar all-terrain vehicles and they should not be brought to the scheme.


Participants who wish to bring dogs with them must seek prior permission from the stalking guide. The stalking guides will have access to a deer dog if required.

For further information please contact:

BASC North
Tel: 01244 573040


The British Association for Shooting & Conservation
Suite 36
Manor Court
Sailsbury Hall

Cost and fees

Stag programmes will cost £500 for eight outings and hinds will cost £300 for eight outings.

These fees are exceptionally competitive and are a unique BASC membership benefit.

The BASC scheme allows deer stalkers to cull any deer on the cull plan that is in season. The choice of individual animals to be culled will be at the discretion of the deer stalker and there will be no additional fees for male animals.

If any stalker wishes to take venison home with them, it can be purchased through the Forest and Land Scotland ranger at the private sales rate.

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