Statistics confirm air weapon licensing unnecessary
The delayed statistics on Recorded Crimes and Offences Involving Firearms in Scotland for 2013-14 have now been published
The delayed statistics on Recorded Crimes and Offences Involving Firearms in Scotland for 2013-14 have now been published
The Wildlife Habitat Trust (WHT) has granted a loan of £4,000 to the Lough Foyle Wildfowlers Association
Link to the e-lobby to repeal the Hunting Act.
The results of this year’s BASC Council election were announced at the association’s Annual General Meeting in Stirling on Saturday 13th June.
The Wildlife Habitat Trust (WHT) has granted a loan of £135,000 to the Ely & District Wildfowlers’ Association to help with the purchase of 15.7 acres of land known as President’s Wash at Ouse Washes near Welney in Norfolk.
Longer-term funding for biodiversity projects should be available from the landfill tax fund in England
£3,100 has been raised for the North West Air Ambulance and Help for Heroes by deer stalking enthusiasts at a charity evening held at Malmo Guns near Lancaster.
More than 200 people attended the event organised by Alastair Boston of The Deer Initiative, the British Deer Society and the British Association for Shooting & Conservation (BASC), supported by Malmo Guns.
BASC has welcomed the decision of the Austrian Ministry of the Environment to stop pursuing a phasing out of lead ammunition.
The Austrian government had been urged to phase out lead ammunition because of the pollution caused by lead ammunition at rifle ranges, the dangers to raptors feeding on carrion and the potential contamination of venison.
BASC members are being reminded to cast their vote in this year’s BASC Council election. The deadline for the receipt of postal votes and online votes is 10.30am on Wednesday 10 June. Ballot papers were sent out to all BASC members with the March edition of Shooting & Conservation magazine