Shooting for the Future

BASC and the GWCT will be delivering a one-day course on Saturday 1 June 2019 aimed at helping candidates to improve their shooting skills, while learning about the latest best practice in predator control, cover crops and game bird releasing. This jointly-run course illustrates the ways in which shooting and conservation bodies can work together, bringing their best expertise together to deliver a first-class experience. The course will be held at: The Allerton Project, Loddington House, Main Street, Loddington, LE7 9XE.

The shooting element of this course is intended for anybody who shoots, and is designed to improve technique and therefore success in the field. The habitat management component will help anybody who is releasing pheasants, whether DIY or professional shoot managers.

The course begins with an interactive session discussing the issues surrounding poor performance in the field, and the factors responsible for it. There will then be a number of practical activities during the day including a patterning workshop, coaching sessions with BASC-accredited coaches. The event will finish with a series of simulated game drives. BASC shotgun coaches will be on hand all day to work on your shooting skills and discuss any issues you may have.

Recent GWCT research has led to the development of guidelines for gamebird releasing that maximise broader conservation benefit while minimising any damage caused by the birds themselves. Following the best practice guidelines, utilising predator control and planting the optimal cover crops will help shoots to maintain the health and welfare of their birds, ensuring good returns and high quality sport. These issues will be addressed throughout the day and will be discussed on a guided shoot walk through the GWCT’s flagship demonstration site in the morning, to show how to put the guidelines into practice.

The day will end with a simulated game shoot on one of the estate’s prestigious pheasant drives. BASC shotgun coaches will load for you and give advice where needed.

The one-day course will be held at: The Allerton Project, Loddington House, Main Street, Loddington, LE7 9XE and will cost £144 per person plus VAT, to include clays, cartridges, lunch and refreshments. For bookings, please contact Lynda Ferguson at the GWCT by email or phone: 01425 651 013. Lynda works 08:30 – 13:30 Monday to Friday.

Shooting for the Future​ Courses

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